Breeder Award Program (BAP)

The MAAH Breeder Award Program promotes the captive breeding of fish and invertebrates. Participants strive to reproduce animals in their care, and when they are successful they submit the spawns to the club for verification. Each species is worth points, with more difficult species being given a higher value. The club maintain records of the participants spawns and recognizes each person when they reach specific milestones on their way to being an MAAH Ultimate Breeder. The points are cumulative and will act as a record of accomplishment for each participant. Each year the club will recognize some outstanding participants with Breeder of the Year awards. The MAAH BAP year is from January to December, and annual awards are given out the following season. For a full description of the MAAH BAP program, please see the rules link below. Other links include the BAP spawn submission and verification form, the species point value charts and the member point totals (cumulative and annual).


Current BAP Standings (Google Document)

MAAH Bap points. Effective Jan 2017 Species that have not been spawned in the club previously have no established point value.
It is the responsibility of the member who first spawns a species to request a class A, B, C, or D.

Species that have been spawned in the club previously are awarded the class previously assigned unless the member successfully argues for a change to the class.

Previously Submitted Species

Breeder Award Program

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Please upload a picture of your fry and the adults.
    I maintain:(Required)
    This is my one holdback for this BAP season
    Scientific name including genus
    Common name, color form or variety
    Date of hatch/birth (mm/dd/yyyy
    To the best of my knowledge everything on this form is true.(Required)
    I believe this is the first spawn of this species in the MAAH-BAP
    This is a different variety of species I have already submitted

    By signing, you agree that all requirements as outlined in the Breeder's Award Program rules "Verification Criteria" have been met. Points will be awarded tonce the BAP chairman or committee confirms these criteria.

    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.